Friendship Southern Baptist Church


Your Maiden Name is Law Keeper

Why does everyone try to live under law? It's because we don't know what the finished work of Christ has done. When we see the new nature that has been given to us through the Cross, we no longer live under the burden of trying to be good enough.

School is Out for the Summer

The Bible tells us in Roman's 6:14 that we are no under law but under grace. What does this look like in a practical sense when it comes to daily following Christ? In this message, we examine the practical implications of grace and how we are liberated to worship Christ.

The modern Gospel tells us that God has a good plan for our life and doesn't want us to endure harm. But is this the actual new testament model? Is this the process that is being played out for Christians not only through history but in the world today? In this sermon we examine the problem of pain and the solution of Christ.

God is not Bi-Polar

Some people think the God of the Old Testament looks different than the God of the New Testament. But they key is, God has progressively revealed his character in such a way to reveal the ultimate nature of his character - and that nature is Jesus Christ.

In this message, we look at the imperfect system of the Old Covenant compared to the perfect system of the New Covenant, and why the New Covenant is able to cleanse the conscience of the believer.

In this sermon we examine 3 dangerous philosophies that have integrated into the presentation of the Gospel. These philosophies are: humanism, modernism, and hedonism. In conclusion, we examine the authentic presentation of the Gospel and the proper motivation for following Christ.

Jesus: The Human God

The Gospel is not simply Jesus died for sinners. Rather, it is more fully that God died for sinners. This message explains the significance of Jesus being the 2nd Person of the Trinity.

The key to Christian victory over sin is our understanding of sanctification. Find out in this sermon how the self, the will, and the ego have all been conquered through Christ.

Baptized into His Death

What is the cleansing agent of our spiritual baptism which has made us a new creature? In this sermon we examine the death of Christ, our burial with him, and the call to new life IN him.

Some people think that preaching big grace is a license to sin? Is this true? This question is answered in today's sermon from Romans 6:1 and 2.