Friendship Southern Baptist Church


Show the Gospel

Part 3 of our Church Strategy

Grow the Church

There is no growth without Vision. There is no growth without Hardship. There is no growth without Giving.

To the Highways and the Hedges

Part 4 of the Church Strategy - "Go to the Mission Field"

KNOW the Gospel

The Gospel cannot be Understood by flesh. The Gospel cannot be Found; it finds us. The Gospel cannot be Equalled.

The Strategy of Friendship

KNOW the Gospel, GROW the Church, SHOW the Gospel, GO to the Mission Field

The Faith of a Father

The Father must be the Religious Leader The Father must go where other are not willing to Go The Father must be willing to endure ridicule

That is the Gospel

Brother Robert Mayfield brings a timely word about our part in the Gospel and the Great Commission.

Emptied to Serve God

The Love of God is most Amplified in our Life when we are Empty

Doctrine of Eternal Security

Can you lose your salvation? That is the question that is answered during this sermon.

Grace is not a Doctrine

Grace is a person, and his name is Jesus Christ